Northern Right Whale Dolphins are aquatic mammals.
Northern Right Whale
Dolphin Classification:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Cetacea
Family: Delphinidae
Genus: Lissodelphis
Species: Borealis
Other Names: Pacific Rightwhale Porpoise
Diet: Northern Right Whale Dolphins feed
on fish and squid.

Northern Right Whale Dolphin
Conservation Status: Not Endangered
Size: Male Northern Right Whale Dolphins are usually
larger than their female counterparts. Northern Right
Whale Dolphins are up to 9 feet in length and weigh around
250 lbs, while females Northern Right Whale Dolphins are
7 feet in length and they weigh approximately 170 lbs.
Habitat: Northern Right Whale Dolphins are found
in found in the Northern Pacific Ocean off the coast
of California and Canada.
Description: Northern Right Whale Dolphins are
completely black, with a white patch on their chest
and ventral stripe. They have a streamlined body, with
a tapered tail.
Northern Right Whale Dolphins communicate using
clicks and whistles. |
Did You Know?
Northern Right Whale Dolphins are timid
animals, and usually avoid boats.
Gestation: Northern Right Whale Dolphins carry
their young for 1 year.
Birth: Northern Right Whale Dolphins are 2 to
3 feet in length at birth.
Calves: Calves will stay with their mother for
2-3 years.
Sexual Maturity: Northern Right Whale Dolphins
are sexually mature around 9 years of age.
Life Span: The estimated life span of the Northern
Right Whale Dolphin is 42 years or longer.
Social Structure: Northern Right Whale Dolphins
are found in groups of 100 or more dolphins. They are
highly gregarious and social. Large super pods of thousands
of dolphins have been observed. Northern Right Whale
Dolphins are also occasionally observed schooling with
Pacific White Sided Dolphins.
Athleticism: Northern Right Whale Dolphins swim
at speeds of up to 25 mph. They are fast agile swimmers.
Northern Right Whale Dolphins are occasionally observed
doing acrobatics, such as breaching, belly-flopping,
and side slapping.